
Articles Posted in danny glover outer banks


Who is liable in the event of a wreck?

Who caused the accident in North Carolina? Who is responsible for NC injury claims? What laws were broken? Who had the last clear chance to avoid the wreck? Was anyone negligent? Liability first and foremost applies to who is at fault in the wreck – Danny Glover NC Wreck Attorney READ…


Who is legally liable for accident injuries?

Who’s at fault means, “Who caused the wreck” under the NC accident laws.  Liability for accident injuries in North Carolina is related to negligence and the duty of care. Sometimes more than one person can cause the wreck, sometimes 100% of the fault rests on one driver. Determining who is…


What happens if I was in a car wreck and driving a company car?

What happens if I was in a car wreck and driving a company car? What are the differences between a company car claim and personal car insurance claim? Do I need different insurance if I drive a company car? Who is liable? Who pays for damages? Can more than one…


What is my accident claim worth?

What is my accident claim worth? What is my case worth? How will I find out how much my settlement will be? Can I ask for my damages? How are damages calculated for a wreck in NC? You are entitled to compensation for all losses attributed to the wreck.  That…


Arbitration in North Carolina

Accident injury legal claims in North Carolina can get complicated.  That’s because there often is a multi-step process for seeking money damages, including the possibility of Arbitration in North Carolina or mediated settlement process. What is the difference between Arbitration and a Jury Trial? How is arbitration decided? Is arbitration…


What is the maximum amount of compensation I can get from a car accident?

What is the maximum amount of compensation I can get from a car accident?  Is there a limit to my claim? Is there a minimum for my claim? What is a realistic time frame? What happens when there is no insurance? What do I do if the insurance doesn’t cover…


How Long Does It Take To Go To Trial?

How Long Does It Take To Go To Trial? How long will the trial last? Will I need to testify? Are there extra costs incurred? Do I have any other options? Why won’t the Insurance Company pay my claim? Taking a case to Court is one option available to an…


What is Mediation?

What is Mediation? Is It Binding? Does It Work? Mediation is a meeting, often times it is more informal, typically taking place in a law office or sometimes at the courthouse – Danny Glover There is no judge There is no jury. Instead, there is a certified paid neutral mediator…

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