
Articles Posted in Car Accidents


Who is liable in the event of a wreck?

Who caused the accident in North Carolina? Who is responsible for NC injury claims? What laws were broken? Who had the last clear chance to avoid the wreck? Was anyone negligent? Liability first and foremost applies to who is at fault in the wreck – Danny Glover NC Wreck Attorney READ…


Who is legally liable for accident injuries?

Who’s at fault means, “Who caused the wreck” under the NC accident laws.  Liability for accident injuries in North Carolina is related to negligence and the duty of care. Sometimes more than one person can cause the wreck, sometimes 100% of the fault rests on one driver. Determining who is…


Is medical evidence important to my injury case?

Outer Banks Wreck Claims: The Importance of Medical Evidence to Legal Representation Experienced injury attorneys have to know a lot about medicine.  It is impossible for me to competently help my badly injured clients unless I fully understand and can explain to either insurance companies or juries the full effects…


What happens if I was in a car wreck and driving a company car?

What happens if I was in a car wreck and driving a company car? What are the differences between a company car claim and personal car insurance claim? Do I need different insurance if I drive a company car? Who is liable? Who pays for damages? Can more than one…


What are damages in a wreck case?

What are damages in a wreck case? What type of damages are considered statutory? How do I file for these damages? Is there anything that is not covered? What can you recover as part of a NC wreck case? Statutory damages include medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, that…


What is the maximum amount of compensation I can get from a car accident?

What is the maximum amount of compensation I can get from a car accident?  Is there a limit to my claim? Is there a minimum for my claim? What is a realistic time frame? What happens when there is no insurance? What do I do if the insurance doesn’t cover…


How Long Does It Take To Go To Trial?

How Long Does It Take To Go To Trial? How long will the trial last? Will I need to testify? Are there extra costs incurred? Do I have any other options? Why won’t the Insurance Company pay my claim? Taking a case to Court is one option available to an…


What Should I Do At the Scene Of A Wreck

What Should I Do At the Scene Of A Wreck ? Last month I began telling you about some very important things that you need to do (and NOT do) immediately at the scene of the wreck.  They were: Stay calm and breathe!  If you have been injured, do not…


Types of Automobile Insurance in North Carolina

Types of Automobile Insurance in North Carolina It is important to understand the various types of automobile insurance coverages so that you can purchase the appropriate types and amounts of coverage needed to fully protect you and your family in the event of an vehicle accident.  This article will focus…

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